Past OR-ASTA News & Events
list of past years' events at bottom of page

OR-ASTA Solo 2024 Competition Results
Sunday, November 17, 2024
at Chemeketa Community College
We had a wonderful day of beautiful and amazing performances. Congratulations to all the Finalists!

1st place tie, $500: Hyun Lee, cello student of Hyun-Jin Kim (Haydn Concerto in C, mvt 1)
1st place tie, $500: Kaylee Nah, violin student of Hae-Jin Kim (Wieniawski Polonaise Brillante Op. 4)
3rd place, $200: Sawa Yamaguchi violin student of Carol Sindell (Wieniawski Concerto in D minor, mvt 1)
1st place, $1000: Andrew Lee, violin student of Carol Sindell
(Sibelius Concerto in D minor, mvt 1)
2nd place, $600: Asher Milman, violin student of Carol Sindell (Bach Unaccompanied Sonata No.1 in G minor Fuga)
3rd place, $400: Jacob Park, cello student of Valdine Mishkin (Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations)
Congratulations to all the teachers whose studios were represented in the Final Round Competition: Heather Blackburn, Kara Eubanks, Paloma Griffin Hebert, Hae-Jin Kim, Hyun-Jin Kim, Lillie Manis, Valdine Mishkin, Maria Shim, and Carol Sindell.
Judges for the Senior Division were Noah Seitz, Yuqi Li, Jennifer Arnold. The Junior Division judges were Valdine Mishkin, Yuqi Li, and Jennifer Arnold. They did an excellent job scoring and writing comments, and we were honored to have them judging our competition.
FALL 2023
Bi-Annual OR-ASTA Conference
at Union High School in Vancouver, WA

OR-ASTA Solo 2022 Competition RESULTS
Sunday, November 6, 2022 at Portland State University

This year we had 33 applicants in the Preliminary Round from 17 studios. The Senior Division, ages 16-22, performed in the morning, and the Junior Division, ages 15 and under, followed. Thanks to our generous sponsors. -- Kennedy Violins, Kerr Violin Shop, Schuback Violin Shop, Mark Moreland Violin Shop, and Holst Violins--we were able to give a total of $1600 in prize money!

Other Senior Finalists: Hanu Hahm - violin (Carol Sindell), Erica Yang - violin (Clarisse Atcherson), Ellie Kim - violin (Carol Sindell), Esme Peters - violin (Hal Grossman), Isabel Pinney - violin (Hal Grossman), Nicolas Oncken - violin (Kara Eubanks)
Other Junior Finalists: Jason Han - cello (Marilyn de Oliveira), Kaylee Nah - violin (Hae-Jin Kim), Emily Seo - cello (Hamilton Cheifetz), Sabine Voelker - viola (Lillian Manis), Ellie Liu - cello (Hyun-Jin Kim), Abigail Lee - violin (Hae-Jin Kim), Jacob Park - cello (Valdine Mishkin), Annie Rhew - cello (Hyun-Jin Kim)
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OR-ASTA Solo 2021 Competition Results
December 12, 2021
We had 40 applicants in the Preliminary Round, from 23 studios around the state of Oregon and southern Washington. Congratulations to all participants and their teachers!
Junior Division Winners
1st place Maggie Carter, contrabass. Student of Jordan Anderson
2nd place Noah Carr, violin. Student of Tomas Cotik
3rd place Claire Youn, violin. Student of Hae-Jin Kim
Senior Division Winners
1st place Timothy Lee, violin. Student of Andrea Hawkins
2nd place Adrian Hsieh, cello. Student of Kristine Janes
3rd place Loni Yin, cello. Student of Hyun-Jin Kim
Other Junior Division Finalists
Andrew Lee, student of Hae-Jin Kim; Jacob Park, student of Hyun Jin Kim; Ezra Oncken, student of Kara Eubanks; Ryan Jun, student of Carol Sindell; Kristen Kim, student of Hyun-Jin Kim; Ellie Kim, student of Carol Sindell; Natalie Yen, student of Andres Cardenes
Other Senior Division Finalists
Elin Schlichting, student of Hal Grossman; Charles Dalrymple, student of Lisa Zweben; Eunji Ryu, student of Hyun-Jin Kim; Beatrice Lobscheid, student of Rosanne Smith; Matthew Chan, student of Brian Quincey
Jennifer Arnold is the Director of Artistic Planning and Orchestral Operations with the Richmond Symphony in Virginia. She was a violist with Oregon Symphony for 15 years, and also served as President of the Oregon Chapter ASTA. She organized the first Solo Competition for our state.
Antoinette Gan has been a cellist with Oregon Symphony since 2015. She performs regularly with Classical Up Close, 45th Parallel Universe, and the Oregon Bach Festival and is a coach for the Metropolitan Youth Symphony and Portland Youth Philharmonic. She graduated from the Peabody Conservatory as a student of Amit Peled and received a Master of Music from Rice University as a student of Desmond Hoebig.
Jessica Lambert taught violin and viola for 15 years at Oregon State University. She is a member of Chamber Music Amici and also runs the OSU Summer Chamber Music Workshop. She is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music, where she studied with Zvi Zeitlin and members of the Cleveland Quartet.​​​​​​​
​​​​​05.06.2023 - Ben Hong master class in Bend
10/08/21 and 10/09/2021: 2021 OrASTA Biennial Conference
08/16/2021 - ORASTA Fall Board Meeting
06/07/2021 - Newsletter: The Chorda June 2021
04/00/2021 - Master Classes (online): Feldenkrais for Musicians (Colin Pip Dixon); Passport to Bach Series (Tomas Cotik, Valdine Mishkin, Arnaud Ghillebaert)
05/11/2021 - ORASTA General Meeting and Honor Recital
03/28/2021 - "Colleagues (in Cubes) with Cocktails" - virtual event
01/31/2021 - "Colleagues (in Cubes) with Cocktails" - virtual event
01/10/2021 - ORASTA Winter Board Meeting
07/19/2020 - ORASTA Fall Board Meeting
04/05/2020 - ORASTA Honors Recital and General Meeting
10/05/2019 - 3rd Biennial State Conference with Mr. Simon Fischer and Friends
05/04/2019 - ASTACAP 2019
04/08/2019 - ORASTA Need-Based Scholarship Deadline
03/18/2019 - 2019 ORASTA Scholarship
02/13/2019 - Double Bass Master Class with Joseph Conyers, Assistant Principal Bass, The Philadelphia Orchestra
02/11/2019 - Violin Master Class with Michelle Kim, New York Philharmonic Assistant Concertmaster
02/07/2019 - ORASTA Honors Recital and General Meeting
11/18/2018 - ORASTA 2018 Solo Competition Winners
11/16/2018 - ORASTA 2018 Solo Competition
10/17/2018 - 2018 ASTA of Oregon Solo Competition
05/05/2018 - ASTACAP 2018​