Colleagues (in cubes) with Cocktails
Checking in with one another after a year of online learning!
Time & Location
Mar 28, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT
Via Zoom
About the Event
Oregon-ASTA continues the series of monthly teacher discussions in a casual "happy hour" Zoom format, meeting on March 28th at 6:30 PM. Free to current ASTA members, virtually connect with your string-teaching colleagues across the state to share insights and inspiration with some much-needed levity (bring your own beverage of choice!).
If you have a friend or colleague interested in joining ASTA, this is the perfect opportunity to mingle with one complimentary Zoom event - simply reach out to to add their name to the invitees. Members don't need to RSVP, just show up with the link sent via the email sent to members on March 16th (or contact Lisa Zweben, president:
I hope to see you Sunday, March 28th at 6:30 PM, with the topic "Checking with one another after a year of online learning", hosted by the Oregon ASTA President and Board!