Oregon ASTA Elections 2020 - Deadline to Vote online: Sat. Feb. 15
Active Oregon ASTA members will be e-mailed an election ballot early in February 2020. Contact stinglek@loswego.k12.or.us if you have not yet received your ballot.
Elections include:
President-Elect (6 year term)
Secretary (2 year term)
Treasurer (2 year term)
Term: 2 years from May 30th to May 30th. This position automatically evolves into President of the ASTA OR Chapter after 2 years serving as President-Elect, and will follow that with two years as Past-President. Reports to the Chapter President and Board Members. Works with the ASTA OR Chapter President, Board Members, and general members.
Duties: The President-Elect of ASTA OR Chapter helps the President of ASTA OR Chapter to ensure the health of the organization in terms of checks and balances. Actively participates in planning and managing events and activities sponsored by ASTA OR Chapter. Helps the President with close oversight of other ASTA OR Chapter Board Members who are responsible for website maintenance, newsletter, and financial reports. Helps the President with coordinating ASTA OR Chapter Board meetings (minimum or 2 per year) and when needed develops meeting agenda for both meetings based on the chapter’s needs and national ASTA suggestions. Whenever possible, attends ASTA National Leadership Meeting at ASTA National Conference and reports back to ASTA OR Chapter Board Members. Attends ASTA OR Chapter Board meetings regularly.
Candidate for President-Elect: Rebekah Hanson
Rebekah Hanson, violist and violinist, holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Oregon in Performance and String Pedagogy with an emphasis in Musicology. Rebekah has been at George Fox University since 2012 and teaches applied violin and viola lessons, Music History, and directs the University Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Music Ensembles.

Rebekah has been teaching both violin and viola in Newberg for over 15 years. Her students have won awards, including the NAfME All-Northwest Orchestras, Suzuki Association of the Americas Young Artist Violin and Viola Ensembles, Concertmaster of the University of Oregon Symphony and George Fox University Concerto Competition winners (8 years in a row!). Rebekah is a music reviewer for the ASTA Journal and will be speaking at the ASTA Conference in March. In addition to teaching, Rebekah loves hiking, spending time with her dog, Emmylou, and playing board games.
Rebekah’s statement:
I would be excited to serve on the Oregon ASTA board because I have benefited so much from the workshops hosted by Oregon ASTA over the years. I would enjoy working with colleagues to organize workshops and events for our local teachers, as well as continue to connect and collaborate with our college student members. One aspect I really appreciate about ASTA is its ability to support and work with private studio teachers, as well as school orchestra directors. I believe this collaboration makes our music community stronger and more diverse. I would love to serve on the Oregon ASTA board and continue to build these connections.

Term: 2 years from May 30th to May 30th. Reports to the Chapter President, President-Elect, and Board Members.
Duties: The Secretary of ASTA OR Chapter organizes and maintains all paperwork connected to the ASTA OR Chapter Board work, activities, and events. Maintains regular communication with ASTA OR Chapter President and President-Elect. Keeps all documents connected to ASTA OR Chapter well-organized and updated in Google Drive. Attends ASTA OR Chapter Board meetings regularly. Transcribes meetings and sends Meeting Minutes to Board Members within 3 weeks after the meeting. When asked, sends needed documents to national ASTA.
Candidates for Secretary: Lily Burton and Diane Chaplin
Lily Burton received degrees in violin performance from the University of Cincinnati and the Cleveland Institute of Music. She is a former member of the Atlanta Symphony, Honolulu Symphony, and San Francisco Ballet Orchestra. Her passion for teaching began in Corvallis, Oregon, where she was an Elementary Strings instructor in the public schools. Since moving to the Portland area in 2006, she has been an extra with the Oregon Symphony and is concertmaster of Portland Chamber Orchestra and the Portland Festival Symphony. She also plays chamber music with Waters Chamber Players. She remains a devoted teacher who thoroughly enjoys her studio of violin students.

Lily’s statement: 

ASTA has supplied a wealth of teaching support for me. The conferences, masterclasses, journals, and Certificate Advancement Program have made me a better teacher, and one who wants to keep learning. I consider the camaraderie and encouragement from fellow teachers to be treasured gifts and am grateful for ASTA.
Diane Chaplin is a solo artist, chamber music cellist and nurturing music educator who lives Portland, Oregon. She tours around the U.S. as a featured member of the Portland Cello Project, and is often heard in solo and chamber music performances across the globe. She is on the faculty
at Linfield College, where she teaches privately, directs the Linfield Cello Ensemble and conducts the Large String Ensemble; she is also Program Coordinator for the Chamber Music Camp of Portland, where she conducts the Advanced Chamber Orchestra. Diane has taught at Yale University, Bard College, Oberlin Conservatory and most recently at the Castleman Quartet Program, and has given masterclasses in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, Bosnia and Russia.
As a member of the Colorado Quartet for twenty years, Diane performed in more than twenty countries and recorded several critically acclaimed albums. The Quartet was the first all-female string quartet to perform the complete quartets of Beethoven in both North America and Europe. Diane received a BFA degree from the California Institute of the Arts as a student of Cesare Pascarella, and a Master of Music degree from The Juilliard School, where she studied with Harvey Shapiro. She holds a Special Prize from the International Cello Competition in Viña del Mar, Chile, and a Certificate from the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. This past summer she made her Italian solo recital debut and she is currently in the process of recording a solo CD, Il Violoncello Capriccioso.Rebekah Hanson, violist and violinist, holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Oregon in Performance and String Pedagogy with an emphasis in Musicology. Rebekah has been at George Fox University since 2012 and teaches applied violin and viola lessons, Music History, and directs the University Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Music Ensembles.
Diane’s statement:
I’m interested on serving on the ASTA OR board because I like being part of a team that works towards support of a musical community. I have previous experience on both large and small boards and have continuously served on one board or another for the past 15
years. I have my own fond childhood memories of ASTA events and believe that providing opportunities for young players is a very important of being a music educator. I look forward to being a part of this inspiring organization.
Term: 2 years from May 30th to May 30th. Reports to ASTA OR Chapter President, ASTA OR Chapter President-Elect, and ASTA OR Chapter Board Members. Works with Chapter President, President-Elect, Chapter Board Members, and general members.
Duties: The Treasurer of ASTA OR Chapter manages financial affairs of ASTA OR Chapter. Files Oregon State Form 990 with IRS annually. Prepares annual budget report that includes revenue money that we get from national ASTA, as well as from ASTA OR Chapter sponsored events. Sends to national ASTA annual financial report (due Aug. 15th of each year). Reconciling bank statements. Managing checks and cash flow, including issuing and collecting checks. Updates ASTA OR Chapter Board Members on financial state of the chapter on a regular basis (at least twice a year). Attends ASTA OR Chapter Board meetings regularly.
Violist Sharon Eng has performed worldwide with her trio, Classical Nuances (oboe, viola, piano) for more than 20 years on five continents. While studying for her bachelors and masters in viola performance at the Juilliard School in New York City, she played in the American Ballet Theatre and NYC Opera orchestras. Professionally, Dr. Eng toured China twice as co-principal viola of the Polish Sinfonietta, maintains a private violin studio in Portland, is on the strings faculty of Portland Parks and Recreation, co-founded Madrona Viola Duo and the Raphael Spiro String Quartet, and is president of the Oregon Viola Society. She freelances with many local ensembles, among them-- Oregon Coast Music Festival and stints with the Portland Opera, Portland
Symphonic Choir, Newport, Rogue Valley, Corvallis, and Vancouver Symphony Orchestras, among many. Since 2003, Dr. Eng has served on the summer faculty of the Intermuse lnternational Music Institute and Festival (IIMIF) at Mount St. Mary's Univ. in Emmitsburg, Maryland
 (www.imif.us). Eng has been a member of ASTA for over 40 years and currently sits on the board of the Oregon Chapter of the American Strings Teacher Association. Her board qualifications include a doctorate (PhD) in international nonprofit management and 25 years as a development aid specialist managing USAID, Asian Development Bank and Australian AID projects ranging in grants of $25,000 to $8 million. Dr. Eng is currently adjunct associate professor on the Faculty of Business, Government and Law at the University of Canberra in Australia (www.sharoneng.com).